Author Archives: admin

Proposed Rosemont Mine would destroy southern Arizona’s trails

This Saturday, as Americans celebrate National Trails Day, in southern Arizona there is a cloud hanging over the hiking community and other recreational users of public lands in southern Arizona. Outdoor recreation including trails are under direct threat from the … Continue reading

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Rosemont’s Entitlement

The Rosemont Copper PR/astroturf machine is once again trying to portray poor little Rosemont as a victim. It’s most recent effort revolves around claims Rosemont and its investors are being victimized by “delay tactics” that are preventing the company from … Continue reading

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Update: The pending Rosemont Aquifer Protection Permit (APP)

Contrary to Rosemont Copper’s misleading representations that it has “received” an aquifer protection permit for its proposed massive copper mine in the Santa Rita Mountain’s south of Tucson, below are a couple of update items related to this yet-to-be finalized … Continue reading

Posted in Groundwater | 2 Comments

SSSR Press Release: Rosemont Copper CEO Admits Company Didn’t File Disclosures in Arizona

Download a PDF of the Press Release here. (Tucson, Ariz) – Rosemont Copper CEO Rod Pace is now admitting the company did not disclose a corporate bankruptcy of two of its key officials to Arizona authorities.  Pace acknowledged that Rosemont’s … Continue reading

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SSSR Press Release: Rosemont Copper Conceals Prior Bankruptcy in Arizona Filings

[Editors Note:            The complaint and supporting documents can be found at:] Local Group Asks: “What Else Are They Hiding?” (Tucson, Ariz.) A formal complaint was filed today with the Arizona Corporation Commission alleging Rosemont Copper, a wholly owned subsidiary … Continue reading

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