Author Archives: admin

EPA letter on Rosemont’s Section 404 permit makes the front page

As reported here earlier this week, the EPA sent a strongly worded letter regarding the Section 404 permit for the proposed Rosemont Mine.  The EPA letter made the front page of today’s Arizona Daily Star. It will be interesting to … Continue reading

Posted in Clean Water Act, EPA Criticism | 1 Comment

Keep those cards and letters coming – Forest Service extends comment period on the Rosemont DEIS

As we read in the morning paper and elsewhere, the Forest Service has extended the public comment on the Rosemont draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) until January 31.  If you have not yet commented, now is the opportunity to do … Continue reading

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Critical Rosemont public comment deadlines fast approaching

Rosemont Draft Environmental Statement (DEIS) comments due to the Forest Service TOMORROW, Wed. January 18.  Send comments by email to: Section 404 Permit Application comments due to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Thursday, January 19.  Send comments by … Continue reading

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News Report: EPA “Raising Doubts” about the proposed Rosemont Mine’s impacts on Southern Arizona’s water resources

In southern Arizona’s desert environment, water is essential to future economic prosperity and quality of life.  The proposed Rosemont project indisputably threatens both the quantity and quality of water resources in southern Arizona, and thus our economy. In just one … Continue reading

Posted in Clean Water Act, EPA Criticism, water | 2 Comments

Video Report from Rosemont Public Meeting: Giffords’ Aide Shouted Down by Rosemont Mob

But Ron Barber courageously persisted and was able to finish. Is this the corporate citizenship we can expect from Rosemont that Rod Pace talks about?

Posted in Public Hearing | 4 Comments