With cash running out, Augusta turns to an officer and shareholder for $10 million as Rosemont permitting looms

Augusta Resource Corp. has turned to a corporate officer and an existing shareholder for $10 million to shore up its depleted cash reserves as the company awaits a crucial decision from the Coronado National Forest on its proposed Rosemont copper project, according to its Management Discussion & Analysis report that accompanies its 2nd Quarter financial statement released today.

The Vancouver, B.C.-based speculative mining company states that an unnamed officer and a major shareholder will purchase $10 million in convertible unsecured notes. The five-year notes carry a 7% interest rate and the arrangement is expected to close Sept. 4, pending regulatory approvals.

This internal debt funding scheme comes as Augusta’s 2nd Quarter financial statement shows the company had only $6.4 million in cash as of June 30, down from $29 million as of Dec. 31, 2012.

The $10 million in financing comes at a crucial time in the Rosemont copper project. Augusta is pressing the Coronado National Forest to issue a Final Environmental Impact Statement  (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) to approve the open pit copper mine by Sept. 27 before new administrative rules take effect delaying issuance of a final decision on the mine at least 90 days. Continue reading

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Augusta’s financing plan fails to impress

Investors have greeted Augusta Resource Corporation’s announcement last week it has reached a preliminary financing agreement with a consortium of international lenders to provide capital to build its Rosemont copper project with a big yawn.

Augusta’s sagging stock continues to languish around $2 a share following Augusta’s Aug. 9 announcement that it has signed a “Mandate Letter” with 12 international financing institutions.

One likely reason for the underwhelming market reception to Augusta’s announcement is because no definitive financing agreement has been reached. Instead, Augusta’s latest agreement lays out a series of actions that still must be completed before final lending commitments are in place.

“The Mandate Letter sets forth the required steps, (emphasis added) including agreement on final terms and conditions and requisite documentation for the loan, completion of due diligence, and procurement of credit approvals, as well as time frames for completing these steps,” Augusta states. Continue reading

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Pima County: Forest Service is rushing to judgment and distorting information in Rosemont environmental report

Pima County’s top administrator is warning that the U.S. Forest Service has “mischaracterized” statements in the draft Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Rosemont mine and is “rushing” to issue a final decision for the massive open pit copper mine despite significant changes to the project that have never been publicly analyzed.

“It appears the Forest Service is rushing to complete the Final EIS and issue a Record of Decision by the end of September,” Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry said in a July 10 memorandum to members of the Pima County Board of Supervisors.

The Forest Service, Huckelberry said, had a choice to issue a Supplemental EIS to address significant changes to the mine plan announced last summer and allow public comment, or go straight to a final EIS without public comment.

The Forest Service chose the latter and on July 1 issued an “administrative draft” of the FEIS to about two dozen county, state and federal agencies for comment by Aug. 1. Continue reading

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Forest Service cutting corners to help cash-strapped Augusta Resource and its Rosemont Copper Company subsidiary

The U.S. Forest Service is cutting corners on its review of the proposed Rosemont copper mine in order to avoid complying with a new regulation  that would delay issuance of the agency’s final decision until public concerns are addressed.

The move appears intended solely to benefit the financially struggling Augusta Resource Corporation.

Augusta is seeking permits through its Arizona-based Rosemont Copper Company subsidiary to blast the massive Rosemont open-pit copper mine in the Santa Rita Mountains on the Coronado National Forest southeast of Tucson.

On July 1, the Forest Service rushed out an incomplete draft of its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) assessing the proposed Rosemont Mine’s impacts on southern Arizona’s environment and economy. The agency asked about two-dozen county, state and federal cooperating agencies to provide their final comments by August 1 despite the fact that the FEIS is still missing key studies and reviews. Continue reading

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Rosemont execs’ salary increase, stock compensation slashed

In spite of Augusta Resource Corporation’s failure to obtain key permits for its Rosemont copper project in the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson, it increased the base salaries of its employees by two percent.

Augusta’s 2013 Management Proxy Circular issued last week in advance of the company’s June 20 annual meeting in Vancouver, B.C. states that stock compensation for Augusta’s top executives was slashed 50 percent in 2012 compared to 2011.

The company cited “delays in permitting for the Corporation’s Rosemont project” as one of the reasons for the sharp reduction in stock-based compensation. Continue reading

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