Rosemont Deception of the Day: Reducing the Nation’s Dependence on Imported Copper

One of the central pillars of Augusta Resource Corporation’s public relations campaign for its Rosemont Copper Company subsidiary is the proposed Rosemont mine will reduce America’s reliance of imported copper.

Augusta claims the proposed Rosemont mine on the Coronado National Forest in the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson “will reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign sources of copper.”

About 35 percent of the copper consumed in the U.S. last year was imported, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

This assertion is having an impact on the perceptions political leaders have about the proposed mine.

“I support the Rosemont Mine,” U.S. Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., is quoted as saying in the Sierra Vista Herald.

The paper reported that McCain said it makes no sense for America to import copper from New Guinea, Chile or Mexico.

Contrary to its public statements meant to shore up support for the mile-wide, half-mile deep open pit mine that will dump waste rock on more than 3,000 acres of national forest, Rosemont has no contracts with U.S. buyers to purchase as much as one ounce of its copper. Continue reading

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Rosemont Deception of the Day: Thousands of Jobs

Augusta Resource Corporation’s top executives are issuing wildly divergent estimates on the number of jobs that would be created by its Rosemont Copper Company subsidiary if the proposed Rosemont mine is built.

Augusta Resource CEO Gil Clausen said in an August 23 statement to the Green Valley News in reaction to the documentary “Cyanide Beach”, that Rosemont will create 4,500 jobs.

About the same time, an Augusta Resource spokeswoman told Greenwire, the nation’s leading environmental news service, that Rosemont’s proposed open pit copper mine that would be built in the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson would generate 9,000 jobs.

Rosemont Copper’s homepage gives conflicting job totals as well. Continue reading

Posted in Deceptions, Economics | 1 Comment

Rosemont Deception of the Day: No plans to mine on Western slope of Santa Rita Mountains

Augusta Resource Corp. officials have repeatedly stated that its Rosemont Copper Co. subsidiary has no plans to develop three mining claims along the ridgeline and west side of the Santa Rita Mountains in addition to the massive Rosemont copper mine it wants to blast into the eastern slope.

“We don’t intend to do any mining development there,” Augusta CEO Gil Clausen told the Arizona Daily Star last winter.

But once again, what Augusta’s top executives say in public doesn’t necessarily correspond to what the company is stating in reports to regulators and investors.

Augusta is now stating in regulatory filings that the Rosemont mine may expand to include the Broadtop Butte mining claim, which is located north of the proposed mile-wide Rosemont open pit and on top of the ridgeline. Continue reading

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Rosemont Deception of the Day: EPA’s Role in the Permitting of the Proposed Rosemont Mine

Augusta Resource Corp. the Vancouver, B.C. parent company of Rosemont Copper Co., is misleading the public, investors and Canadian regulators over the authority the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has in issuing a crucial Clean Water Act Permit needed to build the proposed Rosemont open pit copper mine.

Before mining can begin, Rosemont Copper must obtain a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

This permit is necessary because the mine and waste rock dumped on more than 3,000 acres of U.S National Forest would destroy many washes and perennial streams that flow from the Santa Rita Mountains. Continue reading

Posted in Clean Water Act, Deceptions, EPA Criticism, General, water | 3 Comments

Rosemont Deception of the Day: Dodging County Code

Tucson and Pima County have taken significant steps to ensure southern Arizona remains a worldwide center for astronomy. A key part of this effort has been the development of a strict lighting code designed to maintain optimum dark skies for astronomical research.

Rosemont Copper’s parent company, Vancouver, B.C-based Augusta Resource Corp., wants to deploy an array of lights to operate the proposed Rosemont open pit copper mine 24/7 on the Coronado National Forest south of Tucson.

Augusta is now brazenly claiming the Rosemont mine is not subject to the lighting code.

Augusta stated in an August 28 feasibility report submitted to Canadian securities regulators that the “Pima County lighting codes do not apply to the Rosemont project.” (You can download the full, 38 mb Feasibility Report here.)

Instead, Augusta claims it “will voluntarily employ an advanced light pollution mitigation plan” that will reduce lighting “levels below the intent of the 2011 Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code.”

Augusta’s announced intention to voluntarily comply with the lighting code doesn’t pass muster with Pima County.

In a September 11 letter sent to Coronado National Forest Supervisor Jim Upchurch, Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry made it absolutely clear that Augusta’s claim it has no obligation to comply with the lighting code is “an incorrect assertion.” Continue reading

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